“The artist is the creator of beautiful things.”
— Oscar Wilde

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why don't we commit suicide?

I asked that question to me and I think I found answer. We live because life is good. there are so many things that give us pleasure. We can do lots of orgiastic thing in our world. There is an one problem that mess beauties of life. Prohibitions prevent our desires. For that reason life become unnecessary but If we provide necessary conditions, everybody can be happy. Because people are ambitious and they try to make money. For what? To live comfortably. Money makes harder everything. if we try to find a criminal, I think criminal is money. Money is nothing because you don't buy love with money. As Sibly Vane say "Love is more than money"

People always think their futures but one day every persons going to die. If there are God, we should worship to go heaven. If there are no God, we will become a dust, after we die. I think there are no God because there are lots of human that suffered, thirsty, sad, poor or disabled. If God loves every human, why do we all take such pains to worship to him or her.

According to Lord Henry, we should satisfy our desires. We don,t commit suicide because we love because can booze, make love, fall in love, smoke, dance etc. We can do lots of thing although some of them are forbidden. to live is better than become a dust.


  1. While I was reading your post sometimes I agree with you but usually not. I agree with you about existence of a God. You're also right about satisfying our desires.

    On the other hand, for my opinion, you are not right about "Love is more than money". Also Sibyl Vane, so Oscar Wilde is not right.

    We are living in a developing country, a developing world, and we need to improve ourselves, we have to find a place in this world. And the money is the only way to introduce you to the others. I'm not saying that love is unnecessary but we have to consider the money, too.

    I want to finish my comment with a quotation from Plato:

    "Wealth is the parent of luxury and indolence, and poverty of meanness and viciousness, and both of discontent."


  2. Firstly all we know about God is words of a groups of "people" who we had never met or see. So we cannot question existence of God by looking at human words.
    And about love. We may not be happy with loving people but people's love. If we beloved by a wealthy guy they would help us. You don't have to love and others love will make you wealthy, rich and "placed in the world"
    In the first sight of "philosophy" you may think you are seeing so much things. Such as importance and values of things and love. I suggest you to think about "things".

    O. :)

  3. First of all, I think your title is not related to your subject, they don’t have cohence. And I don't agree with you about why we are living for. Am I living because life is good? I guess you generalized lots of people's aims to live. The other thing I want to mention is about quotation from Sibly Vane. I'm not certain about love’s importance. Money can provide you everything you want. But love? According to me, money rules! In my opinion, believing in God is a personal choice. I’m going to confess my thoughts. I believe in God even if I can’t prove his existence :) By the way, my belief doesn’t affect that I always like Lord Henry’s words about pleasure.


  4. I agree with ekcicek that life is good, but the only answer of why we live isn't that. You don't have to believe in God, or love, as he said. But you must find something to do, not to suicide. I think education provides so many things to do for all our lives,like the idea that told us:"YOU have to work, YOU have to earn money in the future, YOU have to buy these, YOU have to be wealthy!
    or you're gonna die".
    Nevertheless, the education is not only the thing that imposes many ideas on us not to suicide, but also destroys pleasure.
    It is like a joke, we learn pleasure and lifes emptyness in the school, but we carry on to do whatever they say, making our lives full, and far away from pleasure.

  5. Life, Money, Pleasure or hedonist things came to our life with this book. Before this, I think there is nobody who have never thought these terms. In our minds, there is always this question whether there is a God. However, how can we know this? In this point, the religion can maybe help to someone. Everybody tries to live according to thing which is good for themselves. We spent a lot of time and also we are still spending at TEVİTÖL. Alright but for what? Who wants to live at a bad place. The goals of all are big things. We want to live well and to have all good things. Aren't these our pleasure? We are a little bit hedonist, aren't we? Everybody aim everything but just one, who has the opportunity, can reach their goals. If everybody is equal, where is the difficulty of life? Everything is in a system and me, you or another person is just pawn. Of course there is king but king is one who is rich. Unfortunately, our powers aren't enough to change this f*cking system.


  6. Hey guys! My idea about the life is similar with Emre's idea. In my opinion, the real pleasure in this life is the good memories. The time that we live now is the most important thing we have.
    "Love is more than money" Ofcourse it is! Living alone with a lot of money doesn't give us nothing in this life. I told you my idea about the life. So money is my second plan in this life. First of all my friends and family. Money doesn't count that.

    +rep +rep Gratz!
