“The artist is the creator of beautiful things.”
— Oscar Wilde

Sunday, May 30, 2010

There are lots of clues and explainings about Victorian Era and it's style also Oscar Wilde clearly explains us Victorian Era. He used lots of smilarities. When you think about Dorian is symbol for England in Victorian Era and his picture is a good symbol for views from other countries and Basil who creates that picture is wise and genius guys. may be it seems like swagger but that's my idea for this book so don't say what are you talking about that's so strewing ( absurd) ;). Also the other characters in that book other countries in rising Victorian Era. Everybody knows that England capture and conquer lots of countries and sword of destroy their culture or try to make them seems like much european. I know you're going to say that again that must be a blog of Picture of Dorian Gray but in the book who met with Dorian, his life is going to be infamous like conquered countries culture. lots of qoutes from text to explain that much better;

" that a man like the Duke of Berwick leaves the room of a club when you enter it? why is it that so many gentlemen in London will neither go to your house nor invite you to theirs?" (page 172.)

"why is your friendship so fatal to young men? there was that wretched boy in the Guards who commited suidcide. You were his great friend. There was Sir Henry Ashton, who had to leave England, with a tranished name, you and he were inseparable. what about Adrian Singleton, and his dreadful end? what about Lord Kent's only son, and his career? " (page 173.)

What about Lord Henry? I think he is the most dangerous man in that time period he isn't genious as seems because when he takes Dorian to go astray, he think that is a experiment but the fact is that is the end of rised England (for who?). For wealhty guys, factory owners and other high level guys. when dorian makes something bad too much and when he can not conceal his sins from notice, his portrait became worse.

We talked about who is Mr. Wilde and he is genious or not but he has ability to became genious and fool.


  1. I noticed after that Victorian Era really looks like the adventure of British Empire. If I don't misremember, Umur touched this point. He was right. Maybe Oscar Wilde too thought like this. Besides, it is possible to find a subject, a topic. Thanks to the characters, inner conflicts, the movements and there are many things; you can be put under a strain to choose a side. Because of I won't say that this subject is exactly true, I cannot agree.


  2. yes, he tells us to understand what is going on at Victorian Era but he did this with the point of his wiew. We cancot see the real picture of that life because we couldn't see the side of East.
