“The artist is the creator of beautiful things.”
— Oscar Wilde

Sunday, May 30, 2010

There are lots of clues and explainings about Victorian Era and it's style also Oscar Wilde clearly explains us Victorian Era. He used lots of smilarities. When you think about Dorian is symbol for England in Victorian Era and his picture is a good symbol for views from other countries and Basil who creates that picture is wise and genius guys. may be it seems like swagger but that's my idea for this book so don't say what are you talking about that's so strewing ( absurd) ;). Also the other characters in that book other countries in rising Victorian Era. Everybody knows that England capture and conquer lots of countries and sword of destroy their culture or try to make them seems like much european. I know you're going to say that again that must be a blog of Picture of Dorian Gray but in the book who met with Dorian, his life is going to be infamous like conquered countries culture. lots of qoutes from text to explain that much better;

" that a man like the Duke of Berwick leaves the room of a club when you enter it? why is it that so many gentlemen in London will neither go to your house nor invite you to theirs?" (page 172.)

"why is your friendship so fatal to young men? there was that wretched boy in the Guards who commited suidcide. You were his great friend. There was Sir Henry Ashton, who had to leave England, with a tranished name, you and he were inseparable. what about Adrian Singleton, and his dreadful end? what about Lord Kent's only son, and his career? " (page 173.)

What about Lord Henry? I think he is the most dangerous man in that time period he isn't genious as seems because when he takes Dorian to go astray, he think that is a experiment but the fact is that is the end of rised England (for who?). For wealhty guys, factory owners and other high level guys. when dorian makes something bad too much and when he can not conceal his sins from notice, his portrait became worse.

We talked about who is Mr. Wilde and he is genious or not but he has ability to became genious and fool.

Killing is My Business.. and Business is Good!

"It brings me a great pleasure" says Mustaine in that song. "The mad passions of a hunted animal stirred within him, and he loathed the man who was seated at the table, more thain his whole life he had ever loathed anything. He glanced wildly around. something glimmered on the top of the painted chest that faced him. His eye fell on it...", "He rushed at him, and dug the knife into the great vein that is behind the ear, crushing the man's head down on the table, and stabbing again and again."(Page 182)

Nowadays there are lots of murderers in hotel rooms, backyards even in little happy family houses. And According to Blackstone, English common law identified murder as a public wrong. but why? Why all civilians cannot kill someone, but a police or a soldier. They both may want to protect somebody or they may just kill someone in purpose. They have a chance to discuss about it if it is a crime or not. Whether it is allowed to a group of people, is it in nature of us? Does it stay inside of us and gnaw us.

"How quickly it had all been done! He felt strangely calm, and, walking over to the window..." When Dorian murders Basil, he keeps his presence, just like nothing happened. But when someone kill another they say they are sorry and regretful. Are they sorry about killing a person or being behind the bars? I think it is the second one. Because someone who is not punished can do it again and he doesn't feel a bit of contriteness. It seems it is in human nature, because Dorian who is not punished and still out of jail, can kill someone again and do it again with the great joy of slaughter. Also he is not under pressure of people about being a murderer.

"Killing is my business

And business is good

You'd better believe it"*

by Dave Mustaine, Megadeth, Killing is my business


“I love acting. It is so much more real than life.” (pg. 94)

Oscar Wilde said in “The Picture of Dorian Gray” that acting is more real than life. I don’t agree with that idea, because nothing can be more real than life. Being real is very common in life, because people can only say that something is real when they live it or feel it. Everybody have to live the idea if they want to prove that something is real.

Acting is very unreal thing, because when you are acting you always trying to be a different person. Like Sibyl Vane did. One day she became Juliet, one day she became different person. Then when she left the opera she became his real character. When you are acting someone you are trying to be like him or her, because you have to give the main idea of the character which you are acting. So you are unreal, for example Monday you are Juliet and Sunday you are Sibyl Vane. Sunday you are not Juliet or Monday you are not Sibyl Vane. So you are not real on both Monday and Sunday.

People on the opera are unreal person. Actually they are real, because you can see him or live that moment. But they are figurative; they can’t be themselves on the scene, so they are unreal people on the scene.

As a conclusion acting can’t be more real than life, because if you want to prove something that real, you have to live it or feel it with your real character.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Good Source

Hey everybody
This website is very good source for our research. I think you have to look this website.

Victorian Sources

Mes enfants -
These are EXCELLENT resources from the BBC. I am going to require that you use one of these in your annotated bibliography. (remember - 6 is only the minimum!)


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Oscar Wilde's Opinions about Women

Oscar Wilde was a decisive man in his short life. He married in his thirty, he wrote Dorian Gray in his thirty-seven, and accused of being a homosexual in the same year. What was the big event in his life to make him a women-hater? Even tough he had two daughters and one son from his beautiful wife.
He said "No woman is a genius. Woman are a decorative sex. He must decided that after his marriage. He is also a hedonist, and aesthetist, so why did he break apart from his wife? He had already three children, an ex-lover, who was Lord Alfred Douglas, a decorative sex in his home who was a beautiful, stupid, new generation predictor.
He said in the same paragraph "Women never have anything to say, but they say it charmingly. Women represent the triumph of matter over mind, just as men represent the triumph of mind over morals." According to this phrase, he must be bored of his wife's materialism. He should be true about one thing that they lived in Victorian Era, that every women were spending much more money and unhealthy materials than today. She must got angry Oscar Wilde with her wishes which are unnecessary according to men. As a result, Oscar Wilde referred a purely beautiful man than a woman who endevours for it so much.
Consequently, no men should give up being with a woman just because of women's 'stupid' wishes or general reasons like women's acts which are beautiful, not genius according to Oscar Wilde.

Dorian Gray is an only REFLECTION!
When I hold this book, I see every time the soul of Oscar Wilde in those characters! He wrote book with the pieces of his broken soul. While you reading that you can find the clues to prove that idea. Let me explain that.

Dorian Gray is the major character of that book and he is very beautiful and young. Lord Henry is aged man but he is very clever and he is a sort of philosopher. Basil is a good man who is an artist and homosexual. These are the major properties of the characters that are in the book and all of them is in the high society in the west England.

They have connections and the conflicts because of their ideas and and willings. Dorian Gray is the purest one in the beginning like Oscar Wilde's soul but he is affected with the ideas of Lord Henry Who is hedonist and he sold his soul to devil and the picture and Dorian's soul exchanged the souls. Basil is the homosexual ones and he is an artist but he is more experienced than Dorian and he warned Dorian. Main idea was that; Lord Henry is an only director and he never lived the life that he tell. He is jelaus of Beauty but he never be the man like Dorian.

Every character has the piece of clues that belongs the Oscar Wilde. Some of them has a pressure of being homosexual some of them influenced the hedonistic ideas of Victorian England and the some fo them is the real wronged. He is the junction of every one of them.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ha ha ha...

Hi guys, I want to share this picture with you. Actually, to make a motivational poster is not my homework assignment (not main) but still I want to share.


(Mr. Laub, I hope it's ok sharing something even it is not an assignment.)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why don't we commit suicide?

I asked that question to me and I think I found answer. We live because life is good. there are so many things that give us pleasure. We can do lots of orgiastic thing in our world. There is an one problem that mess beauties of life. Prohibitions prevent our desires. For that reason life become unnecessary but If we provide necessary conditions, everybody can be happy. Because people are ambitious and they try to make money. For what? To live comfortably. Money makes harder everything. if we try to find a criminal, I think criminal is money. Money is nothing because you don't buy love with money. As Sibly Vane say "Love is more than money"

People always think their futures but one day every persons going to die. If there are God, we should worship to go heaven. If there are no God, we will become a dust, after we die. I think there are no God because there are lots of human that suffered, thirsty, sad, poor or disabled. If God loves every human, why do we all take such pains to worship to him or her.

According to Lord Henry, we should satisfy our desires. We don,t commit suicide because we love because can booze, make love, fall in love, smoke, dance etc. We can do lots of thing although some of them are forbidden. to live is better than become a dust.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Oi! Don't forget to comment!

Don't forget to respond with comments to the 2 posts by Umur and Betigul before Thursday, 11p.m. Or else...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

We live for nothing?!!

In the book The Picture of Dorian Gray which is written by Oscar Wilde, there is a sentence “There is no doubt that Genius lasts longer than Beauty. That accounts for the fact that we all take such pains to over-educate ourselves.” The idea about the comparing beauty and genius is not so important for me because each people can look that part in a different perspective. But I really do not understand the part "we all take such pains to over-educate ourselves". Pain to over-educate ourselves?!! That means we all educate ourselves in this life for nothing? ROFL!!! No way mate! If all we do is for nothing why we live? To be happy? To make other people happy? Go jump from a bridge then. Why not, you said we all take such pain to over-educate ourselves. If Oscar Wilde supports beauty and criticise the genius that means he live to see beautiful things. But if you do not open your eyes someone can do it for you with killing these good things.

"People say sometimes that Beauty is only superficial. That may be so. But at least it is not so superficial as Thought is." Same thing continuous in here. I think Oscar Wilde must think about the relation between genius and beauty. Beuty is temporary. We can not live for the thing that will disappear. Genius is not like that. Genius is all about your intellect and knowledge. You can improve it, you can read books, you can search, you can share your ideas with people. There is no limit!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Love at First Sight! (Such a big lie!!)

While I was reading the chapter that includes the opinions of Dorian Gray about Sibyl Vane, I felt that "love at first sight" will never exist. Dorian Gray really exaggerates his emotions about Sibyl Vane and this causes me to feel unwell. I will explain why, but at first I want to talk about Sibyl Vane, her first influence on Dorian Gray and reasons of that, on my side.

Mr. Gray starts to believe that "the search for beauty being the real secret of life" because of the influences of Lord Henry on himself. And then Mr. Gray tries to find the real beauty.

Dorian goes in an absurd theater by coincidence, and there is the play "Romeo & Juliet". Look at that chance! And also there is a dreadful orchestra, even Romeo is terrible. But let me give you an example from Dorian about Juliet:

"But Juliet! Harry, imagine a girl, hardly seventeen years of age, with a little flower-like face, a small Greek head with plaited coils of dark-brown hair, eyes that were violet wells of passion, lips that were like the petals of a rose. She was the loveliest thing I had ever seen in my life" (p. 61)

Look at these adjectives and compliments! How boring they are! Basically, these compliments are not for Sibyl Vane, these are for beauty that is searched by Mr. Gray, these are for Juliet, for Sibyl Imogen not for real Sibyl. Even Dorian Gray and Lord Henry express that, when Lord Henry asks that "When is she Sibyl Vane?", Mr. Gray replies: "Never!" (p.66).

He describes her as sacred and the finest actress he has ever seen. But I believe that this is because of the several trips to the theater, and the obsessions of Mr. Gray to find the real beauty not the real love or real woman that lives for him for years.

As a conclusion, I can say that I describe the future relationship between Dorian Gray and the Sibyl Vane will be the most dreadful relationship on my side. For a footnote, I will never believe the love at first sight, and I will never trust the existence of the trustworthy compliments without emotions and with obsessions .

Sunday, May 2, 2010

This is the real World Of Warcraft

There are millions of people who play world of warcraft and all of them know there is no real life if you play world of warcraft. People who play wow is crazy. There is just a reason why i am here and what is why I'm only here because my server is down!

Diego Lugano

Diego Alfredo Lugano Moreno is an Uruguay International football player whose position is amid of defence and who currently plays in Fenerbahce Football Club in Turkish Super League. He is 30 years old. He is married Bianca and he has 2 sons and 1 daughter. He has played in Nacional Football Club( 1999-2001, matches 13, goals 0), Plaza Colonia Football Club(2001-2002, matches 46, goals 4) and Sao Paulo Football Club(2002-2006, matches 96, goals 8). In Fenerbahce Football Club, he played nearly 100 matches and he has 16 goals. Also he is Captain of Uruguay National Football Team. He was awarded South America's best defender prize in 2005. " I have been here for three years, and it still amazes me how passionate and devoted fans are. The affection and respect the club and the people have shown me and my family, mkes me feel very confortable, and makes me want to give it all in each match to pay them back with good performance and titles" he said about his years in Fenerbahce FC.

Supersport Car by Lamborghini

Lamborghini made a supersport car named Gallardo LP560-4 Superleggera. this is very good sport car and Lamborghini made this car to beat Ferrari's California. Because this car has many super properties like most lightweight Lamborghini and this car has 570 horsepower and it's maximum speed is 375 km/h. Also this car can accerelate to 100 km/h at 3.5 sec. This value is very good for a sport car. It has V10 5.2 cc engine. Also this engine can produce 399 horsepower per ton. This value is very crazy. You can think that you can't stop or control this car. But it is too wrong, because this car has many fantastic security system to preserve any bad accident. This car is allwheel drive system and it is very good decision to preserve accident because of happened to lose your control when you are driving at high speed. So can you imagine a price for this car. I think it must be high, but Lamborghini don't think like us, because the price of this car is 175.000 pound(430.000 turkish liras) and it is so good for a supersport car like this. You can watch a video about it which is on this website => http://www.evodergi.com.tr/evo/0410/video1.php

Father of Suspense Novels

Today was the day for Kadıköy, and nobody must return to the school without buying any new book from a bouquiniste. I went to some of them and found three new books which are Crash by J.G.Ballard, The Evolution Man by Roy Lewis and Contempt by Alberto Moravia. However I started a new Stephen King novel, Everything's Eventual (Karanlık Öyküler). That perfect book includes 14 different suspense stories and some of them are known from their movies such as 1408. It will be the second Stephen King novel for me, but from the movies of his stories and his first novel Carry, I strongly recommend his books who likes suspense, horror, science fiction and fantasy fiction stories. You can also take the other books from me, if you want, you can watch the movies of Crash and Contempt. Their plots are very interesting.

P.S.:You can take the book from Tuğçe9.

The Best Way to Satisfy Your Curiosity

Twitter is the best way to share and know what is happening right now. It is a mini-blogging application that you can use to send quick messages out to your followers. "Twitter asks “what’s happening” and makes the answer spread across the globe to millions, immediately." Isn't that great? :) Twitter can satify your curiosity because you can discover what your friends and your idols are doing right now. How to use Twitter is totally up to you. Using Twitter is really easy. "Follow hundreds of people. Follow a dozen. Post every hour. Post never. Search for your favorite topics and create lists. Or not. You are in control on Twitter." Guys, we could be famous in Twitter. http://twitter.com You can use Twitter in our school without using any proxy. Join Twitter!

Colorful Pitcures From The Century Before

Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin is the Russian chemist and photographer that lived in 1863-1944. His main research ws about producing a colorful pictures and taking a cinema movies. In 1905, he alter to tecnology in Russian Empire. His projects aim was teaching the "optic color reflections" to students. He used to 3 different black-white picture for catching the real colorful light to create the original color system but that was very hard and complicated and it takes a long time but he did! :D Today we can see the 100 pictures that belongs to 1910 thanks to Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin. You can see there 84 of them.

Call of Duty: Black Ops

Nowadays Infinity Ward(Lastly it made last game of "Call of Duty"[Modern Warfare 2] ) lost many important designer and when everybody thinks not to play Call of Duty any more, authorized of Call of Duty announced that there will be 2 new game of Call of Duty. Immediately after, Treyarch announced that they will make this new game and the name of this game will be Black Ops. Although there are many news about new game, authorized of Treyarch didn't make any announcement and they chosed publish a video. Accoding to video, a new game will come 9th November of this year and helicopter and plane missions weren't overlooked. One who wants to watch video, can click link.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Koc High School - RamFest'10 (April, 29)

Last thursday (April, 29), 48 students from our school went to Koc High School to attend RamFest. Some of them participated in the festival as painters, some of them as band.

From our school, there were five paintings and two bands. Five songs were sung by our students and also it was the birthday of two students from our school (İlhan Barış, Ali Baran) and one of the bands sang the song "Happy Birthday" for them. The other songs were Pretty Woman(Elvis Presley), Gimme Gimme Gimme (Abba), Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin), Breakfast in America (Supertramp), Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Guns'n Roses).

There were lots of bands from lots of high school (Darussafaka, Kadikoy Anadolu, TED...) and the day was full of music, art and also sun. The day was really great.