“The artist is the creator of beautiful things.”
— Oscar Wilde

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Effect on Soul and Body

Until this time, we discussed lots of subject about the book. If some of those subject are true, I can say that this book is a reflection of Oscar Wilde, is an inner conflicts of Oscar Wilde. In the book, Dorian Gray's soul and body are not complete. When his body was imprisoned, his soul is free as depending on Lord Henry. In first times, Dorian knew these words' meanings and importance, soul and body till he met Lord Henry. In the film, my subject is reflected in a scene. In this scene, Lord Henry took Dorian Gray to a club which is in a poor ward. When Dorian Gray saw many prostitutes, he asks that isn't there any effect on soul. Lord Henry felt lonely and homesick because according to him, when you take pleasure, there mustn't be anything like being ashamed. Why I didn't give an example from the book? I gave this example because visual things are more memorable :):):) What is thing which affected Dorian Gray? Of course, secular pleasure, beauty, youth and genius. I believe that maybe Oscar Wilde did a bad thing in that period he lived but this book came to today and it created us to have a chance to discuss. I have never thought before these words so deeply. Beauty, Genius and Youth... We are always talking about them. Our expectations depend on them. Everything doesn't have equal conditions and because of these, we are in this state.     

Saturday, June 5, 2010


“I am what *you* made me! I lived the life that you preached... but never dared practice. I am everything that you were too afraid to be.”
For the first time, Dorian notices to the truth of his own beauty when he sees Basil's portrait of him and Lord Henry’s words after he sees the portrait. Lord Henry told him that he was beautiful, but when he aged he would no longer have beauty. He thinks how important beauty is, and that he can give everything to keep his physical beauty. He comprehends the most important thing of him is his beauty.
Beauty is more important than his soul.
I believe that this is one of the most important questions of the book: What are the effects of words on people? Being a witty person of words gained pleasure to Lord Henry; he began to talk to Dorian at once with a serious tone and with clarity of the sentences: “You are too charming to go in for philanthropy, Mr. Gray – far too charming.” Dorian couldn’t notice the thing which made Lord Henry was pleasure. When he looked back on his life, he got that beauty was not the most important thing. All the things happened because of the desires of words.
To Wilde, words were material and real: “Words! Mere words! How terrible they were! How clear, and vivid, and cruel! One could not escape of them. And yet what a subtle magic there was in them! Mere words! Was there anything so real as words?” How can they change one’s life completely? How?!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

There are lots of clues and explainings about Victorian Era and it's style also Oscar Wilde clearly explains us Victorian Era. He used lots of smilarities. When you think about Dorian is symbol for England in Victorian Era and his picture is a good symbol for views from other countries and Basil who creates that picture is wise and genius guys. may be it seems like swagger but that's my idea for this book so don't say what are you talking about that's so strewing ( absurd) ;). Also the other characters in that book other countries in rising Victorian Era. Everybody knows that England capture and conquer lots of countries and sword of destroy their culture or try to make them seems like much european. I know you're going to say that again that must be a blog of Picture of Dorian Gray but in the book who met with Dorian, his life is going to be infamous like conquered countries culture. lots of qoutes from text to explain that much better;

" that a man like the Duke of Berwick leaves the room of a club when you enter it? why is it that so many gentlemen in London will neither go to your house nor invite you to theirs?" (page 172.)

"why is your friendship so fatal to young men? there was that wretched boy in the Guards who commited suidcide. You were his great friend. There was Sir Henry Ashton, who had to leave England, with a tranished name, you and he were inseparable. what about Adrian Singleton, and his dreadful end? what about Lord Kent's only son, and his career? " (page 173.)

What about Lord Henry? I think he is the most dangerous man in that time period he isn't genious as seems because when he takes Dorian to go astray, he think that is a experiment but the fact is that is the end of rised England (for who?). For wealhty guys, factory owners and other high level guys. when dorian makes something bad too much and when he can not conceal his sins from notice, his portrait became worse.

We talked about who is Mr. Wilde and he is genious or not but he has ability to became genious and fool.

Killing is My Business.. and Business is Good!

"It brings me a great pleasure" says Mustaine in that song. "The mad passions of a hunted animal stirred within him, and he loathed the man who was seated at the table, more thain his whole life he had ever loathed anything. He glanced wildly around. something glimmered on the top of the painted chest that faced him. His eye fell on it...", "He rushed at him, and dug the knife into the great vein that is behind the ear, crushing the man's head down on the table, and stabbing again and again."(Page 182)

Nowadays there are lots of murderers in hotel rooms, backyards even in little happy family houses. And According to Blackstone, English common law identified murder as a public wrong. but why? Why all civilians cannot kill someone, but a police or a soldier. They both may want to protect somebody or they may just kill someone in purpose. They have a chance to discuss about it if it is a crime or not. Whether it is allowed to a group of people, is it in nature of us? Does it stay inside of us and gnaw us.

"How quickly it had all been done! He felt strangely calm, and, walking over to the window..." When Dorian murders Basil, he keeps his presence, just like nothing happened. But when someone kill another they say they are sorry and regretful. Are they sorry about killing a person or being behind the bars? I think it is the second one. Because someone who is not punished can do it again and he doesn't feel a bit of contriteness. It seems it is in human nature, because Dorian who is not punished and still out of jail, can kill someone again and do it again with the great joy of slaughter. Also he is not under pressure of people about being a murderer.

"Killing is my business

And business is good

You'd better believe it"*

by Dave Mustaine, Megadeth, Killing is my business


“I love acting. It is so much more real than life.” (pg. 94)

Oscar Wilde said in “The Picture of Dorian Gray” that acting is more real than life. I don’t agree with that idea, because nothing can be more real than life. Being real is very common in life, because people can only say that something is real when they live it or feel it. Everybody have to live the idea if they want to prove that something is real.

Acting is very unreal thing, because when you are acting you always trying to be a different person. Like Sibyl Vane did. One day she became Juliet, one day she became different person. Then when she left the opera she became his real character. When you are acting someone you are trying to be like him or her, because you have to give the main idea of the character which you are acting. So you are unreal, for example Monday you are Juliet and Sunday you are Sibyl Vane. Sunday you are not Juliet or Monday you are not Sibyl Vane. So you are not real on both Monday and Sunday.

People on the opera are unreal person. Actually they are real, because you can see him or live that moment. But they are figurative; they can’t be themselves on the scene, so they are unreal people on the scene.

As a conclusion acting can’t be more real than life, because if you want to prove something that real, you have to live it or feel it with your real character.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Good Source

Hey everybody
This website is very good source for our research. I think you have to look this website.

Victorian Sources

Mes enfants -
These are EXCELLENT resources from the BBC. I am going to require that you use one of these in your annotated bibliography. (remember - 6 is only the minimum!)
